The World of
A Queen’s Game

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Nestled between the Ekrixi Range and the Tefra forest sits the Akroi region. The Mavros Sea borders this mixed region to the north. The temperate Evgeni Sea to the south is its connection to the world.

Akroi is broken up into three sections:

  • Syllogi

  • Enomenos

  • Reyila

Syllogi is a collection of elven-ruled city-states in western Akroi, consisting of Satiros, Amigys, Kyaeri, and Chorys Dasi. Each city-state rules the urban center and the surrounding countrysides. Monarchies rules these city-states and consider elven persons a higher class of citizen (above humans and half-elves).

Enomenos sits on the eastern edge of Akroi. This democratic collection of city-states includes Kentro, Avato, Olkia, Rotamu, and Notos. These cities have no hierarchy between humans, half-elves, and elves. Historically, Syllogi and Enomenos have never worked together because of this difference in treatment.

Reyila is a small, mountainous queendom in the Systada Mountains in northern Akroi. Though elven-ruled, the queendom views all as equal. This queendom has ties to Syllogi but is considered a separate entity.


Marietta Lytpier Reid from the fantasy romance book A Queen's Game by Eri Leigh | Art by S_Holdthebus


Main Character + POV 1
Full Name: Marietta Lytpier Reid

Self-assured and charismatic, Marietta easily makes friends with strangers and is the first to ease tension from a room. For over a decade, she connected businesses to one another, supplying one customer with the goods for another. Eventually, she turned away from that life and settled down to open her own bakery in Olkia.

Valeriya Ruuyl Grytsier from the fantasy romance book A Queen's Game by Eri Leigh | Art by S_Holdthebus


Main Character + POV 2
Full Name: Valeriya Ruuyl Grytsier

Confident and determined, Valeriya uses her position as Queen of Satiros to undermine the husband she loathes. After a lifetime of standing in her sister’s shadow, Valeriya married the King of Satiros to get what she always wanted—a legacy of her own. What she traded for it was a life with the person she truly loved.

Elyse Norymial from the fantasy romance book A Queen's Game by Eri Leigh | Art by S_Holdthebus


Main Character + POV 3
Full Name: Elyse Norymial

Anxious and alone, Elyse just wants to fade into the background. Her father refuses to let her position as a Lady to go unused and introduces her to a flirtatious foreign lord. Soon after, he chases for her undivided attention and love. When the King discovers her affinity with aithyr, or magical energy, she is given the chance to train under him.


The Palace of Satiros

Nestled in the center of the city-state of Satiros, the palace is a sprawling campus of ornate design centered around an extensive central garden. Gold-gilded vines cascade down columns of green marble. Staircases are crafted from expensive wood, their railings ending in ornately carved scenes of beasts and creatures.

The Central Garden, sitting at the center of the palace, is more than four times the size of any market in the city-state. Statues of delicately carved creatures dot the dense foliage, breaking up the swirl of colors for thick flower patches. Twisting paths weave through the bushes, flowers, and trees and make for private walks for the many palace dwellers.

The City-State of Satiros

The sprawling urban center of Satiros is tucked behind thick walls from the surrounding countryside. Ten different sections divide the city-state, including the palace. Cutting through the heart of Satiros, the Halia River serves as a conduit to the world beyond the city-state’s walls.

The Palace, Blossom Center, Petal Row, Blooming Borough, and Wisteria Heights are composed of white-washed stone structures with black roofs. The thick foliage that both coats the buildings and planted into numerous parks pops color back into these sections. Wisteria is the most prominent plant, favored by many after it was used in the crest of Satiros.

Rambler Grove, often referred to as the Weeds, is the only section within the city-state that half-elves and humans can live. While they make up a third of the population, their housing choices are restricted to the small section in southwest Satiros. In recent years, the human and half-elven population has more than doubled. With the restricted space, it means they had to grow their section up, resulting in spindly clusters of buildings and unique use of what land remains. The surge in population is often tied back to King Wyltam’s lethargic rule after his mother placed the strictest laws on humans and half-elves.


Creation Myths

The half-elves and humans in the world of A Queen’s Game are referred to as ‘pilinos.’ This derives from the world pili, which were the first humans formed from earth by the old gods. As such, those who have human descent refer to themselves as a pilinos and take much pride in it.

It is belief that the elven population derived from different ancestors—the fey. Though no one alive claims to know what happened to the fey, it is popular belief that they traveled to Akroi long ago, claiming the land from the original pilinos. To this day, their stories are passed down to those with elven descent as feyrie tales.


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